หนัง Passage Of Life ครอบครัวชาวพม่าครอบครัวหนึ
A Burmese family lives in Japan with two sons who cannot speak Burmese and live like Japanese children. The mother wants to return to Myanmar, but the father can't leave work in Japan. One day they get a letter that changes their lives forever... The cast has almost no experience acting. By using shots taken over more than an hour, the film captures a lifelike picture of the family’s lives. Planning for the film started in 2013 and it was shot in late 2014 after review by Myanmar’s government. The film went through a 2.5 year editing process. This is director Akio Fujimoto's first feature length film.
2,454 ครั้ง
7 กรกฎาคม 2561
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